How to Solid Hatch or Solid Fill a Drawing Region/Polygon In Autocad

Monday, February 21, 2011

Solid hatching or filling a region, polygon or closed figure in Autocad is very useful in making document titles or bold figures and regions in drawing documents. Before, I used to use the Hatch command in Autocad which I found a very long and tedious solution for this problem. When using the Hatch command you have to selec a hatch pattern to fill the a region and set the scale to a very small amount

to just to have a solid-looking fill of a polygon or region. After some search, I have found a command that solves this problem. This command is BHATCH . Just type in Bhatch command in your Autocad command prompt, select the region, closed figures or polygon you want to hatch and press enter. And voila! Your polygon is now hatched or filled with a solid fill.
